FuelEU Maritime Compliance Pooling – the next pinnacle of complexity in shipping’s decarbonisation transition

FuelEU Maritime is considered to be one of the most complicated and technically challenging pieces of maritime decarbonisation legislation. Pooling, a flexibility mechanism embedded into the regulation, offers a novel route to compliance, while presenting potential risks and opportunities to counterparties active in the shipping space.

Bunker traders and dry bulk operators: a critical partnership facing increasing risks…

The last 12 months have flown by, and while shipping has continued to find workarounds to mitigate the increasingly significant external pressures faced, there has been a definite shift in the focus of risk managers.

Press Release: Lloyd's List Intelligence Acquires Infospectrum

Lloyd’s List Intelligence acquires counterparty risk provider Infospectrum, combining complementary capabilities to provide complete risk management intelligence.

Infospectrum's UK and Singapore Graduate Analyst Programmes 2025

Following a highly successful UK-based programmes in 2022, 2023, and 2024, Infospectrum is delighted to announce the launch of its UK and Singapore Graduate Analyst Programmes for 2025.

5 Steps To Robust KYC

In today’s shipping, energy, and commodity trading environments, navigating the complexities of obscured ownership structures, sanctions, and dark/shadow fleet activities presents a daily challenge; just one wrong trade could spell disaster, and risk professionals must be prepared.

Navigating the Compliance Supercycle

Minding the credibility gap: The importance of human intelligence in UBO, KYC and creditworthiness assessments.

Navigating the EU ETS: Practical Insights For The Maritime Industry

Infospectrum's ESG Desk is pleased to release its whitepaper, “Navigating the EU ETS: Practical Insights For The Maritime Industry”.

Look Both Ways: Counterparty Risk Assessment in the EU ETS Markets

The inclusion of international shipping within the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) from 1 January 2024 brings new opportunities, but also new risks.

PRESS RELEASE: Infospectrum's ESG Assessment Report

Infospectrum launches an ESG report & rating system – bringing its globally recognised and highly disciplined analytical approach into the ESG space. The Infospectrum ESG Assessment Report (ESG-A) provides a succinct yet comprehensive assessment of a company’s ESG performance at a strategic level.

The Infospectrum Analyst Team: Compound Intelligence

Infospectrum’s ability to maintain its lead in the maritime and commodities due diligence space over the last 24 years is underpinned by many factors, but perhaps what is least understood about our business is the unique team that compiles our products.

Spoofing Ultimate Beneficial Ownership

Our industry has long specialised in discretion and the use of elaborate corporate structures to obscure beneficial ownership or financial position. Indeed, some might argue it is the very reason Infospectrum exists.

Know Your Counterparty’s Counterparty (KYCC): Looking over the risk horizon

Maritime stakeholders (ship owners, charterers, lenders, trade financiers) have historically often been unaware of their counterparty’s counterparty chain, let alone impose restrictions on how this chain should be policed and audited.

Liner operators pursue diverging approaches to alternative fuels

Liner operators are taking a proactive approach to decarbonisation that includes the evaluation and selection of alternative fuels to power their fleets. How do their strategies differ and what are the implications?

Two Minutes with Martin Bird, Digital Marketing Executive

This week we spoke to Martin Bird, Digital Marketing Executive, based in our London and Oxford offices.

Gas supply challenges drive demand for additional shipyard capacity and technical expertise

It is widely acknowledged that efforts to curb emissions in the power and industrial sectors have led to a switch from coal to gas in recent years. This has resulted in a sharp increase in gas demand, which has placed huge pressure on supply.

Infospectrum's Carbon Intensity Indicator Whitepaper

Infospectrum’s ESG Desk is pleased to release its whitepaper, “The Carbon Intensity Indicator: A Known Unknown - The evolving impact of the IMO's latest GHG regulations"

Applications for this year's Infospectrum Graduate Analyst Scheme are now open

Following a successful 2022 scheme, we are delighted to announce that Infospectrum’s second graduate scheme will commence in Autumn 2023. We are now taking applications from ambitious talent, eager to learn and develop a career in the commercial due diligence and counterparty/credit risk research, ratings, and reporting arenas.

Quality not assured

Participation in the Voluntary Carbon Market still in its infancy and the full extent of its opportunities and exposures are yet to transpire

European gas crisis drives hydrogen sector

Europe’s gas supply crisis of 2022 has stimulated much discussion about how the future security of the Continent’s energy supplies can be ensured. Over the longer-term, alternative forms of energy, such as hydrogen, are also being looked at more seriously in the wake of the crisis.

Voluntary Carbon Market Whitepaper

Infospectrum’s ESG Desk is pleased to release its whitepaper, “The role of the voluntary carbon market in decarbonising shipping – A practical guide to leveraging opportunities and managing risks”.